Submit a project for

Academia (Students & PhDs)

We understand that innovation not only comes from entrepreneurs and creatives, but also the curious students and researchers of the world. Universities around the world are studying the shared living phenomenon from a range of perspectives: real estate development, asset management, spatial design, sociology, psychology and many more. This category will highlight academic research projects from undergraduate and graduate students who are aiming to redefine the future of coliving.

Application Criteria

For whom?

Masters and PhD students and recent post-graduates


  1. Relevance & innovation: Your research / project is clearly an innovative reflection of the shared living and specialist residential real estate sectors.
  2. Structured & well presented: Capacity of students / researchers to deliver a clear, concise and sleek presentation and structure.
  3. Methodology: Research / project derives from thoughtful and rigorous methodologies (e.g. quantitative data, qualitative data, interviews, etc.)
  4. Validation & viability: Research / project has been reviewed and validated by peers / research advisors (or is in the process of being validated) and has the potential to be executed / materialised.
  5. Impact & sustainability: Your research / project promoted the integration of social, environmental and economic impact and sustainability into the core of the shared living model.


Below we have summarised the deliverables for your application. Please also make sure to download the application guide and presentation template by following the buttons below to make sure you read all necessary information to have a successful Coliving Awards entry. Note that every category has its own application guide!

1. Presentation including:

  • Name
  • Organisation
  • Logo (if applicable)
  • Details about specific project / site / product in English
  • Responses to questions in the application guide and additional resources requested in the eligibility and evaluation criteria, such as methodologies, quantitative data, qualitative data, case studies, interviews etc.
  • Presentation should be max 20 slides / pages and in PDF format (16:9 horizontal format). Please see the presentation template below for reference

2. High level summary of your project submission in the Application portal and answer to all application questions.

3. Supporting images / renders (in high resolution JPG / PNG -> 150 dpi) in ZIP format** (max 10 images). Files to be named in the following format " organisation-projectname-image# “

4. Representative project image (max 10 MB) to be used as a thumbnail in the application portal and other relevant communication from Coliving Awards about your project

5. It should be clear that your project meets the criteria for this category

Submission Form

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By submitting your application you agree to receive emails from Coliving Awards containing resourceful industry content and information about our latest initiatives and events.

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